নিশিন্দা Benefit of Chaste Tree

Chaste Tree

Scientific Name: Vitex negundo

Birthplace: Local to tropical Eastern and Southern Africa and Asia.

Colors: Green when youthful going to dark or purple when ready

molded: Delicious drupe, 4 mm (0.16 in) in breadth, adjusted to egg molded.

Health benefits: Aides In Easing Painful Conditions Affecting Nervous System, Beneficial For Your Circulatory System, Good for Your Respiratory System, Useful for Assorted Digestive System Disorders, Cure For Inflammatory Health Conditions, Aids in Hair Growth, Lowers Menopause Symptoms, Clears Up Acne, May Promote Lactation, Treats Enlarged Prostate, Reduces Uterine Fibroids, Remedies Amenorrhea, Improves Female Fertility, Treatment for Endometriosis, Relieves PMS Symptoms.

History: Chaste tree species are local to the warm districts of the Old World. Vitex negundo develops normally from the Mediterranean Sea toward the east to focal Asia. The leaves are made of five to seven emanating flyers. Vitex negundo, the five leaved modest tree is colder solid than the Agnus species. Vitex mostly happens in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar in Africa, and in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam in Asia. It is likewise found in comparative living spaces along the beach all through Mauritius, Japan and toward the south through Malaya to tropical Australia and Polynesia.

Vitex negundo

Vitex negundo, regularly known as the Vitex, Chinese pure tree, five-leaved virtuous tree, Huang Ping, horseshoe Vitex, is an erect bush or little tree with quadrangular, thickly whitish, tomatoes branchlets and smooth, dainty, ruddy earthy colored bark. It is generally utilized in people medication, especially in South and Southeast Asia. Local to tropical Eastern and Southern Africa and Asia, yet it tends to be found in territories with mild and subtropical atmosphere around the globe today. Virtuous tree rapidly develops into a multi-trunked tree around 2 to 6 m tall and wide with a wide, spreading propensity. Regardless of numerous clinical properties of this plant, it is generally filled in fancy purposes today.

Name "virtuous tree" alludes to the way that this plant comprises of substances that decline drive Individual who devours modest berry stays "modest. Modest tree is otherwise called priest's pepper on account of the regular use of modest berry in the control of sexual longing in the cloisters before. In view of bloom types, there are two assortments of this plant – blue and white blossomed. Blue blossomed plant is called Nir gundi Vitex negundo, yet the white bloomed plant is called sideward Vitex trifoliate.


Chaste trees, which are viewed as bushes or little trees, grow 12 to 18 feet tall with a spread of 10 to 15 feet. The plant needs full sun and very much depleted soil. It's best not to plant them in soil that is wealthy in natural issue in light of the fact that naturally rich soils hold an excess of dampness near the roots. Virtuous trees do very well in xeric nurseries where water is scant. It is a multi-branch rugged plant secured with fine hairs. The bark of stem is smooth, slim, rosy earthy colored getting blocky on more seasoned stems and quadrangular, thickly whitish, tomatoes branchlets.

Chaste Tree Leaves

Leaves are inverse, palmately compound, 2 to 6 crawls over, generally five handouts for every leaf (3-7), pamphlets applaud, obovate or lanceolate with whole or toothed edges, light green above and pale pubescent beneath, extremely fragrant when squashed. Various blossoms are borne in panicles 10 to 20 cm (3.9 to 7.9 in) long. Each is around 6 to 7 cm (2.4 to 2.8 in) long and is white to blue in tone. The petals are of various lengths, with the center lower projection being the longest. Both the corolla and calyx are shrouded in thick hairs.

Medical advantages of Chaste tree

The roots, organic products, blossoms, leaves and bark of modest tree have extraordinary therapeutic worth and are utilized for restorative reason remotely just as inside. Remotely, virtuous tree decoction is utilized for steam shower for joint pain, joint agonies and sciatica. Especially, virtuous tree is powerful in reducing the low back agony. The dried leaves when smoked are said to calm catarrh and migraine. beneath are a few medical advantages of Chaste tree.

নিশিন্দা Benefit of Chaste Tree নিশিন্দা Benefit of Chaste Tree Reviewed by abdul motaleb on October 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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