May heavenly cherish win each day


As individuals, it is entirely expected to have love, friendship, dedication and regard for one another. The world actually endures in light of the fact that individuals have these human characteristics. 

What's more, confidence, expectation, and love are likewise at the base of the improvement of human characteristics and the achievement of good human character. The universe is additionally the product of affection. 

Allaah says (translation of the signifying): "One of the indications of Allaah's strength is that He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, that you might find a sense of contentment with them, and He has made between you common love and favor. Surely in that are finishes paperwork for a people who give thought. '(Surat ar-Rum: 21)

Love is the inclination of God, the fulfillment of the spirit, the genuine feelings of serenity. In any case, this affection additionally has its cutoff points. 

As a Muslim, the best love should be for Allah and His Messenger. 

Allaah says (translation of the signifying): "Say, 'On the off chance that you love Allah and His Messenger and your dad, your kids, your siblings, your spouses, your families, your abundance, your business, and your business, so you might be in a difficult situation.' Do what you love, and stand by until Allah's order comes, for Allah doesn't manage the violating individuals. '(Surat at-Tawba, 24) 

Our Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) has won the hearts of millions of individuals with his affection, congruity and great character. The message of Islam has spread around the world. 

Muslims have no day of affection, consistently is wanting to them. 

However, for those Muslims who observe Valentine's Day on February 14, love is an extraordinary agony, intricacy, emergency and deserting of virtues. 

They change their loved ones into garments and are fretful looking for another accomplice. 

Disappointingly, Valentine's Day is currently celebrated in our country with incredible energy called 'World Love Day'. 

Initially that day was a strict day for antiquated European Greco-Roman agnostics. Despite the fact that it started in the Middle Ages, it has spread worldwide since the mid nineties. 

Indeed, even in the eighties, individuals of Bangladesh were new right up 'til today. Be that as it may, since the nineties, it has spread among the young people of this country with the assistance of worldwide organizations and the government assistance of the media. 

There are different speculations about the inception of Valentine's Day. To the extent is known, there was a celebration in antiquated Rome called Lupercalia, which endured from 13 to 15 February. 

In that celebration, people drank in equivalent extents and met secretly by picking an accomplice through lottery. 

From that point on, when the Romans deserted their antiquated religion and changed over to Christianity, they couldn't acknowledge the celebration of Lupercalia for the sake of the old goddess. 

Again the celebration was famous to the point that I was unable to try and surrender. At last the celebration was commended for the sake of St. Valentine. 

The well known antiquarian Noel Lenski says that at the Lupercalia celebration, men forfeited a goat and a canine for the sake of the goddess Lupercas. At that point he would beat the young ladies partaking in the celebration with the skin of a dead goat or a canine. 

They accept that this beating expands the richness of young ladies. 

To the extent the historical backdrop of the start of Valentine's Day is worried, in 260 AD, the Roman sovereign Claudius II halted the enrollment of wedded men in the military and ordered a law that nobody in his realm could wed. 

Since wedded warriors would not like to chance their spouses and kids to bite the dust on the war zone. However, a Roman minister, St. Valentine, fought the head's debased standard and wedded. 

At the point when the news arrived at Emperor Claudius, he captured St. Valentine and executed him. Capital punishment was completed on February 14. 

Because of that occurrence, this day is praised as 'World Love Day'. 

Once more, as per a few, Valentine was a Christian minister and doctor. Around then the Romans were adherents of divine beings and goddesses. 

In 260 AD, the Roman ruler Claudius II executed Valentine for lecturing Christianity. While in bondage, Valentine treated the eyes of the corrections officer's visually impaired girl. Therefore, the young lady recaptured her sight. 

Upon the arrival of the execution, Valentine kept in touch with the young lady, "Love From your Valentine" and this noteworthy day was February 14. 

Genuine affection moves human qualities, augments and quiets the heart, which motivates the structure of a prosperous society and development. 

The amount it is important to proliferate, spread and set up this adoration to make this contention ridden world livable for individuals! 

Be that as it may, unfortunately, for the sake of 'World Love Day', not exclusively is it actuating youngsters and ladies towards natural and early pomposity, yet by benefiting from the madness of their age, a few gatherings need to accomplish their business advantages by suffocating them in the foulness of indecency. 

Also, for this awful sin there is a horrendous fierceness in this world just as an awful discipline in the Hereafter. 

The Prophet (harmony and favors of Allaah arrive) said, 'When profanity spreads in a country so that they participate in open foulness, illnesses spread among them which were not spread among their archetypes.' [Albani, Saheeh al-Jami] 

The word love is consecrated. Love is an inclination that streams in the profundities of the human psyche. A caring mother conveys a kid in her belly in view of adoration. 

The dad endeavors to bring up the kid. On account of adoration, even the wild creatures of the woodland live respectively with their family members. 

Love is an incredible blessing from God. It is normal to be pulled in to the universe of creation. However, there is no requirement for any second, day or night for adoration. 

Described Mu'adh Ibn Jabal: I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, say, "The individuals who love each other in the desire for Allah's pleasure, meet each other in the expectation of my endorsement, meet each other in the expectation of my fulfillment, and their abundance for my affection." By spending riches, their adoration gets mandatory for me. [Muslim]

Praising an improper non-Islamic day called Valentine's Day on February 14 is taboo. Gatherings, discussions, love and warmth between youngsters before marriage are totally taboo in Islam. 

Miserable however obvious, foulness and self-importance are spreading among the young for the sake of Valentine's Day in Bangladesh. Today, because of the absence of heavenly and genuine romance, love, friendship and dedication, incalculable wrongdoings like viciousness, disdain, capturing, murder and assault are expanding all over. 

So we should disregard day-focused love and say together, let each day be a triumph of unadulterated, unadulterated, benevolent love.

May heavenly cherish win each day May heavenly cherish win each day Reviewed by abdul motaleb on February 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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